Monday, January 31, 2011

Shhhhhh.... Don't be afraid of the Silence!

I was listening to Obama's State of the Union Address last week and was yet again impressed with his style of delivery.   I guess it would be more surprising if I wasn't impressed considering he is the President of the United States but I can't remember being as captivated by any of Bush's speeches as I am by Obama's.

What is it that he does? Why am I so enthralled by what he's saying when a lot of what he is saying doesn't have much to do with me or my day to day life?  Surely, you only listen to a message when it's relevant to you or will have some impact on your life?  Well, no! I must admit though that if you ask me what he said then I'd struggle to remember all the content; I do remember certain points he made and this is purely down to how he delivered it.

The magic ingredient to Obama's speeches are the pauses...... Just taking the time to let the message sink in, look around at the audience and make that connection with them again, allow a round of applause if a salient point has been made.  
It made me realise that we don't pause enough in life to just look around, let alone when we speak.  Generally our brains are working too far ahead of our voices which can result in some embarrassing outbursts - believe me, I know!  A trusted and dear colleague once told me (after one such incident) that when words are omitted or Freudian slips are made, it's the sign of someone who's just too intelligent - the brain is working at 100 miles per hour which is a good thing!  I took the 'compliment' but at the same time I knew I just needed to pause...... and enjoy the quiet.

Having the right pace is important as well - you cannot rattle off a quick message then pause, look intently at everyone in the room and then start again at a million miles an hour.  I have listened to people who deliver their presentations in such a way and I leave the room feeling drained; I've had to spend so much time keeping up with the pace and making sure I was at least looking engaged when the stare goes round the room, that I had totally missed the message and had no clue what was said.  Imagine if that was a sales pitch and I was the decision-maker... it would be a "no"!

A relaxed, formal, personalised style is key.  It sounds great on paper and I am the first to admit that it's not easy in practice but it's possible!  Here are some suggestions to help you enjoy the quiet:

  1. Structure your message/presentation around key points: have punchy statements that lend themselves to natural pauses; use the pauses wisely though as you don't want it to be too staccato or jagged. Listening to Obama, he pauses after every two or three sentences which works for him but you need to see what's best for you and the message you are giving.  Remember, it should aid understanding not make it more complicated for the audience.
  2. Remove the fluff: if you're using Powerpoint slides, limit the points between 3 and 5 on any one slide; keep the font at a minimum size 24 and remove unnecessary borders or images that do not strengthen the message... it is simply a distraction.  However, sometimes 1 image is all you need on a slide to make a point, and sometimes you don't even need to speak!  Look for those opportunities as they really work!
  3. Pitching the voice: when you do use pauses bring the voice up at the end, it keeps the audience's attention through the pause and tells them that something important is coming... keep them hanging...... but not too long! 
  4. Make eye contact with the audience: whether it's a group of 5 or a room of 100, don't be afraid of looking at people and making that connection, it engages them and makes them feel the message is for them.  It also tells you how your presentation is going - if most are asleep then maybe you need to pick up the pace or change tack; if they're looking at their blackberry phones or iphones, then throw a question out there - you may not get an answer back but people will start to listen again... Take the time to look.
Last piece of advice is to watch Obama's speech, if you haven't already -  you'll see what I mean!


  1. Great writing sarah and great advice! I really like the style! Missus FG

  2. Thanks Big Sheila, from the Queen of Blogs that means a lot.
